I wanted to do this last year, but ran out of time. This year I planned for it. So here are some Valentine’s day cards that Lynn and I wrote.
Hope this helps you get that someone special.
I wanted to do this last year, but ran out of time. This year I planned for it. So here are some Valentine’s day cards that Lynn and I wrote.
Hope this helps you get that someone special.
Mar 27-29thEmerald City Comic Con
April 16th-19th Calgary Comic Expo
Jul 24-26th ConBravo
Sep 3rd-6th Fanexpo
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These are ARGuably the best way to end a relationship.
Also happy Valentine's to both of you!
I am still wondering why you don’t write the dating advice columns in magazines
I’d subscribe the S**t out of that.
The final one is how I met my girlfriend. We had an entire garden together.
Can we put an emphasis on the “had” in that sentence?
Thank you for the great cards!
The hardest part is deciding which one to give to my wife…
if i celebrated valentine’s day i’d only send out cards like these. especiallly the last 2
So nice to see romance is not dead! 😉
romance never dies!
Woke up to my gf showing me #4 on her phone, was pleasantly surprised. Huzzah for ARG, huzzah I say!
That’s awesome!
Thank you! <3
You’re welcome!
You’re welcome too, editing comments.
These are nice but I have no one special to give them to….. so are complete strangers an acceptable substitute?
Of course!
Absolutely, that’s what I’m doing! Or okay I do know them, but they aint special; her plans were a tub of ice cream, mine were a big pot of pasta…I said “You’re free, I’m free, do you want to be singles together?”
Now I’m thinking I might print out #3 for her…not 100% certain though.
Nice work here, ARG.
What? No penises?!
Have you checked the roses? There might be one inside 😉
I don’t know what’s funnier. The actual cards, the fact that your wife helped make them, or that Jkun is the first to respond.
Either way, I’m just gunna sit here, eat my pint of ice cream, and do Calculus.
Nothing makes a girl hotter than a man who knows how to derive more than just a function.
These are just perfect for my purposes!
No. 1, 4 and 5 already put to good use. Thank you, ARG and Lynn! 🙂
Thank ARG and Lynn! I have to profess that all my closest friends received one of these cards today 😀
lmao great job !!
I want my free money back! None of them worked for me 🙁
Every rose has its thorns.
I feel like there was a missed opportunity on number two;
“Rose’s are red,
You know the rest.
Now give me head.
(Can I touch your breast?)”