Clubbing. Clubbing never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the Clubbing power of jazz and Boogie, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from Dubstep to Drum and bass to simple, psychotic Trance.
So yeah went to a club on Saturday it was fun, they actually played music I liked so that was fun.
okay… So on friday, I had announced that I was in the finals for the Yogscast comic artist search. Well regrettably I have withdrawn my participation from the contest. Basically it goes like this. If I were to win the position I would not be able to the comic justice. I just can’t dedicate the time necessary to make it the best I would want it to be. Not only that but it would take away time from “I am ARG”. And that’s just something I can’t do. On top of all the things I need to pay rent and such. They’ve got 5 other talented artists that are more than capable of making it a great comic and I look forward to seeing what happens. Sorry to those that were looking forward to my entries. I’ll post the first one up on my deviantart.
You should make i am arg a once a week thing that what the majority of artists do
I made a promise to myself for at least one year a ARG comic every weekday.
Hahaha is that a sweatband?
Smart. That way you don’t have to worry about sweat running down your back.
I wear legwarmers too. so that it catches the crotch sweat before it hits my toes. I hates me some sweaty toes.
You broke Nic’s heart Arg… you broke his heart…
I really am sorry. I’d love to do it. But I have too many things on the go as it is and it would hurt I am ARG to throw something else on that pile. I appreciate the support throughout though. thanks for pointing me to it.
I was just joking man! Love the boob strap by the way!
Still nix pointed it out to me and I thought it was a cool thing. Never did I think I’d get to that point. The yogscast forum dude has me in the back of his mind if ever something may come up.
Well I’m glad to see that you were actually doing research for your next comic so I guess you were working while tweeting
Indeed. I’m always working even when sleeping…
I love that you try to reply to everyone. I wish Scott would do that!
I try to, there are some days where I just can’t. I feel bad for Scott, he’s like super busy all the time.
Yeah he’s got the three comics, guest strips, he illustrates for childrens books, and he has chickens. I don’t know if he farms those chickens… but he does have them.
ha! Oh what a fun night that was, having large rear ASSets made myself and other females an easy target for those of the middle panel! Shame about your fancy gig – agreed work on Iamarg for at least a year every day because otherwise it would be something you would regret imo :3
Yep i would have been contractually obligated as well of I won. I’ve got other ideas that I want to explore comically.
Third panel kills me every time I see it.
I’ll make sure to post a two panel version of the comic to avoid any unwarranted deaths. My hands are bloody enough. From this nosebleed I just got. Its NOT from killing people…
Sad to hear, but I totally get what you mean, I was actually kinda worried that it would take too much time. But guess what that means? We get you all to ourselves!
Btw you make a totally hot club skank
I find the hips on the girl in panel one to be off… or maybe it’s just my girly hormones that are jealous of her tiny waist. Either way all the chicks in my dorm agreed to all 3 panels
Oh they are definitely off. product of the time limit i put on y self and some style choices. either way they look wrong. thanks for showing the comic to your dorm mates!
I swoon for that body :3
awww… buy a guy a drink?
Would but by the time you got it in the mail, it might be a bit too volatile xD
Ha! I imagined Ron Perlman narrating that! I Recognize a Fallout joke anywhere!
I was wondering if anybody would get that.
Pshah of course! This was probably him in his early years.
Haha, also heard it in Ron Perlman’s voice. Was about to comment, glad to see there’s other classic Fallout fanboys here.
Can’t conceive a club playing the type of music I like. So I just stay clear of those unless they are very explicit about playing my kind of heavy metal.
Why do you keep drawing yourself in this manner?
because my body is funny looking…
Lol. I know that feel on First Panel…
Except, what happens to me is that after 5-8 hours of constant techno music, raving hard as fuck out in a field/club/warehouse/whatever when the music DOES end, and it’s time to gtfo, for atleast two or three seconds, I’m still kinda dancing… Lights on, no music… Drugs.