I’ve been hooked on TV shows lately. I just started watching Homeland and I’m waiting for Inigo Montoya to declare his revenge.
Commenters! What’s your favourite show? I’m looking for great recommendations And don’t say Doctor Who, I already know I should be watching that.
I don’t usually like to pimp out other peoples stuff in the blog but I have two very good comic buds doing some cool things that I think you might like throwing money at. (that is if you haven’t picked up a copy of I am ARG Volume One Available in two flavours in the ARG store)
First Brian Patterson of D20 Monkey is putting together his first book of strips and has started a kickstarter up for it! You should check it out. He’s got some great rewards for you guys to take advantage of!
Secondly, My good pal Eric from HateFarm is a tremendous artist and is raising some funds by doing custom Portraits! You should really check em out. They’re top notch work.
How about that VP debate, eh folks? Have a great weekend.
Walking Dead is a good one.
You are the biggest sweetheart ever!
A good detective show about two men together as partners, in all senses of the word, with a great plot and brilliant actors? If only….maybe if you were behind it perhaps?
I’d say “Once Upon a Time” but that’s my mostly inner five year old saying “OMG CINDERELLA! YAY!”
Go watch Breaking Bad. Now.
DEXTER. The BBC Sherlock miniseries is awesome. Breaking Bad. Justified is reasonably badass. Falling Skies is surprisingly good for TNT, ditto Alphas for SyFy. Also, DEXTER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. But start in season 1, cuz of teh spoilerz.
I recommend Archer.
I have been to Butte. Quite the place. All the kids my age glared the whole time. Never went back…
Anyway, Arrested Development is an awesome show!
I’m from Butte.
And, well…
It”s that way for everyone. It kinda sucks here. XD
I don’t blame ya for not wanting to come back, to be honest.
You should definitely watch Sherlock, there are only two seasons, and each is three episodes. Great show.
But my biggest recommendation? SPACED. Funniest show I’ve ever seen, made by Edgar Wright and all the rest of the guys from Shawn Of The Dead. It’s real nerd comedy like it should be.
Breaking Bad, Dexter and Fringe if you’re looking for drama/thriller shows that are still airing. Community, Arrested Development and Archer are incredibly funny.
For shows that have completed their run, I absolutely have to recommend Awake and Rubicon. They both aired for only one season of 13 episodes, but they’re the best damn TV I’ve ever seen.
Awake is about a detective who’s in a car accident with his family. He wakes up and finds his son is dead. Later, he goes to sleep and wakes up in a reality where his son is alive and his wife died in his place. Every time he goes to sleep, he switches from one reality to the other. The cases he solves in one are always related to the other.
Rubicon is about a man who works at an intelligence think tank and discovers a conspiracy involving all levels of his organization and several governments. It doesn’t have a lot of big action scenes, and it’s mostly code-breaking and sneaking around, but it’s very intense. There’s a sense of realism that gives it suspense.
Really getting into Continuum at the minute, oh, and The Amazing World Of Gumball, too!
I’d rather not fill up this page with an enormous list of recommendations, and the commenters above me have made a few good recommendations themselves. So I’ll just make one: Doctor Who. I know you said not to mention it, but we’ve been over this before. You need Who in your life, dammit. Especially after how unsatisfying the last half-season was. I fear the series may be on it’s last leg, and I would like for you to watch it before it becomes a show that “used to be so good.”
I just started watching this random western on Netflix called, “Hell on Wheels.” It’s been surprisingly good so far.
If you haven’t seen Firefly and it’s movie/ending (I hope not, but…) Serenity, you must. Castle is reasonably awesome, but it kinda starts to reach as the series goes on.
Seconding the BBC Sherlock. it’s three eps a year, but they are *so good*.
erm… I’m not sure, beyond that, I suppose. I don’t like much TV.
Psyche? It’s interesting as a contrast/case study of sherlock, methinks… the MC is kind of a dick, because he’s “normal” in motivation, but has sherlock’s gift of perception. I think it’s a good show of why sherlock is so good as an asexual/aromantic in most of his showings: If he wasn’t, I don’t think I’d like him as much.
Seconding Community and Firefly.
Adventure Time! Childishly hilarious with just a hint of wtf..
Perception’s pretty good too, just started. Crazy neurology professor helps FBI with cases. chats with hallucinations.
May sound a little childish but Young Justice. Its the teen version of Justice League. The story and writing is fantastic and even shocking (“killing” a main character) If DC would use those writers and directors for its live films then we’d all be watching DC truely duke it out with Marvel/Disney for who has the best superhero movie
I recommend Porn: dramatic, funny, sexual, and it always goes back to normal the next day… also, i wonder who the top is?
Wilfred. It’s a show on FX with Elijah Wood as this depressed guy who starts taking care of his neighbors’ dog, only everyone else sees a dog, and he sees a guy in a dog suit. It’s amazing.
I’d also like to cast second votes for Archer, and the canceled, ill-fated Rubicon. Also, Venture Bros. I’m sure you’ve seen it because it’s glorious, but I want to make sure. And Community. Just watch all of those. That’ll keep you busy a while.
Bones, Castle, and Monk are good mystery shows. I recommend Eureka and Wharehouse 13 for SciFi. And then White Collar and Leverage are cool Con Shows.
After you watch the first couple seasons of Dr. Who, watch Torchwood. It’s like Dr. Who, but for grownups.
Also, Castle is great, Eureka, Bones is pretty good, Alphas is kinda neat, Firefly if you’ve somehow missed it. Probably I’m not the first to suggest any of those, but I’m too damn lazy to read the other comments.
NCIS ftw. but not NCIS Los Angeles… that show’s not up to par… ll cool jay and so on…
If such a show as this existed, I would be so happy that I would watch it no mater the puns! And I grind my teeth at those. Is there anything out there featuring a gay lead that isn’t a stereotype? A gay tough guy who isn’t the domineering top of his effeminate other?
ARG, you never fail to please. Keep up the good work and may it do the same for you.
For animation, I’m seconding Young Justice, the 1st season was great, and so far the 2nd season seems a WHOLE lot better. Despite the characters being young (teens in the 1st season and early 20’s in the second) as opposed to their “adult” counterparts, the story is a lot more serious (a lot more drama, a well written conspiracy, and hard decisions made by the characters themselves) than Justice League. And I doubt I need to tell you how great Adventure Time is.
For live action I’d have to go with Community (easily my favorite series), Firefly and BBC’s Sherlock. Arrow seems good too (or maybe that’s just the DC fan in me talking).
My rule works for me so far: anything from HBO is worth trying.
Outside HBO: Dexter is fun, Walking Dead is decent zombie show, so good stuff.
Also Gravity Falls, Adventure Time and MLP to kill my remaining brain cells.
Wait… Reference to In Bruges maybe? Dunno… In Bruges is a great movie though!
Don’t give them any idea ARG!
In terms of cult followings, Firefly and Freaks and Geeks are two fantastic shows that never got the recognition they deserved during their seasons. I think everything else I would recommend has already been mentioned above. I especially agree with Sherlock. That show makes me tingly inside
HBO’s “Rome” is one of my favourite shows of all time. But that might be because I’m a classicist…But it’s still a damn good show!
Also? Butte Buddies would sell like crazy. Just sayin’
I only really watch The Daily Show and Adventure Time with any regularity. They’re both really fun.
I remember you watch/used to watch the Venture Brothers, I love that show! If you haven’t, you should check out Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. It’s fantastic
Oh man, I just had an awesome dream about these guys! In between being intimate and stuff they resolved a hostage situation in a badass way and even referenced this strip
This joke always misses for me because I pronounce it “be-you-t”. I get it but… yeah… swing and a miss.
You’ve referenced HBO’s Game of Thrones (returning March 2013!) but I haven’t caught a Boardwalk Empire reference yet.
Steve Buscemi is perfect for it. The other cast members are great. Great stories. Greater arcs. And the season so far? Wow…
Man, I’ve been abroad lately (the operation was painless…) so I’ve finally given myself some time to catch up on some ARG!
You put me onto Clone High, which I can’t thank you enough for, so I’m going to make a couple of suggestions, of which you may have already been into, but in case, I’d love to share them!
The Regular Show
Mission Hill
Just to emphasise those who have already reccomended them, and if you haven’t already ventured into, Adventure Time is definitely worth the long haul (The creator is a DnD enthusiast, so the story is weird and fantastic)
And holy fuck yes to The Amazing World of Gumball
So, you’re saying that that’s not supposed to at all be a reference to Supernatural?:P