On second thought, I’d rather not have all that crap on my sandwich.
If you’re unaware of Todd Akin and his lack of knowledge on how a uterus works here’s the quote.
So I mentioned this on twitter the other day (@IamARG if you’re not already following me) but how awesome is it that every politician that gaffed about rape this election cycle was defeated. What is said though is that we are still debating the definition of rape.
Sorry to get all heavy on you guys. I promise some lighter hearted and less politically centered fare next week.
I did a guest comic Yesterday for Merc Works yesterday which you can check out HERE.
I also did a Guest Comic for Two guys and Guy which you can see HERE!
That’s 3 comics in 2 days for ya!
Have a great weekend guys!
So he’s one of the dumbass Repubs who moved to Canada to escape socialized healthcare and marriage equality?
Believe me, there are people who wanted to move to Germany because they’re upset that the democrats won. Ironically, most people here would have voted for Obama, if they had the right to.
Man, Ive got ARG in my Mercworks, my Twogag, and in my ARG! pretty good friday if you ask me
I’m all over the internet today. I even make an art appearance in the newest hatefarm.
I cant see it in that scrolling mass (that’s where it’ll be, right?)! What does it look like?
Cat bird image.
As an American who weeks ago literally referred to Todd Akin as an “ass-face” while talking to a friend, I have only this to say: I fucking love you, ARG. The literal crap coming out of his “mouth” just makes the whole damn thing that much funnier. (Good heavens, I just swore twice in one paragraph. See? SEE HOW YOU AFFECT ME?)
I’m a terrible influence. I’m fucking sorry.
I’d hate to see him with a runny nose.
It’s a crappy sight.
… And then his 20-year-old manager organises an open “Pelt Todd Akin with eggs” party. Place: work. Time: After his shift.
Democratic throwing. One man, one egg. One woman, whatever and however many she damn well pleases.
He deserved it and thanks for this one. Nice job on the guest comics, the one you did for Merc Works had me laughing way too hard in public.
Thanks dude! Glad you enjoyed it!
Every time I read your comics, I always think back to the name ” I AM ARG” and try to piece a working thought…the only one I come up with is a “Dicks” themed I R Baboon.
just the only thing that pops into my mind….ARG hunched over and standing like a baboon shouting “I R ARG” but instead of a big red ass its a dick.
That’s a vivid image.
I have no idea who these people are! Mind you, I have no idea who most British politicians are, so who am I to talk!!!
I wouldn’t have known of Todd Akin if he didn’t open his mouth and make an ass of himself.
This is hilarious. I especially like that my wincing, grimacing facial expression at the image of how you depicted his face is the same facial expression I make when seeing an actual photo of him in the news.
I aimed for authenticity.
So, I believe there is one surefire way to make this comic better: anyone remember Assey-McGee on Adult Swim a few years back? If you do, read Akin’s words in his voice and make a little farting noise every now and then. Im still rolling on the floor. Just think about how hard it is to type!
I’ll have to look that up.
Oh god, please tell me we didn’t let him into Canada. Even to work at a Chubway.
Once again, there is such a thing as too polite.
Everybody has to have a home…
I know everyone is face palming over Todd Akin. But I’m actually from the state he could have been representing. And I feel sooooo freaking ackomplished that, in voting in my first election, he didn’t get voted into office.
Thank you sir.
It’s been too long since I’ve read Arg…and yay I can finally use my phone to comment c:
WOOOT! Welcome back!
“So I mentioned this on twitter the other day (@IamARG if you’re not already following me) but how awesome is it that every politician that gaffed about rape this election cycle was defeated. What is said though is that we are still debating the definition of rape.”
The last one on that list, Paul Ryan from Wisconsin, was not defeated. He did make his lowest score since he first entered that scene in 1998; but that lowest score was still 55% of the votes.
he lost the VP battle…
Todd Akin and a lot of other things makes me sad I’m from Missouri.
Brilliant. That’s all I have to say.