I’m terrible at letting go of things, I even have all my old girlfriends in a box in the closet.
I mentioned this before on other social media but I wanted to ask you guys what ARG strips would you guys show to a potential new reader to hook them to the comic. I ask because I’m putting together a flyer filled with comics to hand out to potential new readers at cons. I wanted to get ARG experts to weigh in. So leave a comment with a couple of comics you think would best introduce ARG to a new reader. Thanks!
If you’re in and around Burlington, Ontario next weekend, you should definitely come see me at ConBravo! I’ll be in the artist alley section and I’ll have various prints of my more gaming themed comics available for sale. I’ll also have buttons and posters for sale and I’ll be doing sketches and taking a small number of commissions. Unfortunately, it’s looking like I won’t have the book for sale there but I will have a proof of it that you guys can check out
Simpsons reference… Respect.
respect the simps!
I see a Penis!
WHAT? A penis in I am ARG? NO….
“This episode of Horders. ‘ARG, all these dicks have to go…’ *crash* ‘NOOOooo, get th’ fuck outta my house!'”
I am definitely a hoarder… I far too much lego…
*Glare* ….. There … is … no … such … thing … as … to … much … LEGO…!
Build a Lego cabinet to display the Lego models and when you need to move, just rebuild them into an awesome VW Micro Bus.
I want that Bus or the Sopwith .. if only I had the cash, space and time ….. *sigh*
Why do I not live in Ontario! Also there is either a finger or a dick in that garbage… I don’t want to know who that belongs to.
………….Can’t lie, I do something!!!
Like throw the stuff out? Color me confuzzled.
I collect corks, batteries, bottle caps, game swag, weird hats, video games, pencils, and shinny things.
You are either a hoarder or a ferret.
I vote ferret. I collect homey things. Sheets, pillows, letters/cards, and children’s clothes (even though I haven no kids?). Oh…and turtles. Turtles are my shiny things now.
As for strips to show new readers? I definitely vote ROCKETSHIPS! Because I love that…ya’lls pose together and just…everything.
I vote ferret only because they are fricken awesome and I want you to be awesome as well…
You could use the ARG Origin strips you did a while back.
They would take up far too much space I think. I’m thinking like 6 strips on an 8.5×11 page both sides.
That poor Bart Simpson head looks somewhat discombobulated! As for Potential strips, The Distant Future is one of my recent favorites, and No Stone Left Unpunted made me giggle, too!
Hmmm… Thanks for the suggestions!
I know your a sick man.. but your last girlfriend appears to have been a pig.. 🙂
That actually was the one I lost my virginity too… she was a SQUEELER!
Heh, I am with you on that. I feel like I got rid of so much last year when I moved, but now I have collected even more stuff than I had before!
Oh, and I think your Carl Sagan comic would be awesome to show new readers!
That one might win over quite a number of people. Thanks for the suggestion.
Best way to do it is put what you want to get rid of in a designated spot and just don’t look back until you are ready to throw things out/donate them.
Think the Brandoning strips might be good for the con?
I think they may be a little too rough to entice new readers. I was still unsure of myself back then. (haven’t really gotten more assured but whatevs) Plus I want to vary it up as well.
Both my fiancée and myself are like that . . . our apartment’s clutter nearly got us evicted. Who cares if there’s a mountain of “stuff” blocking the emergency exit? Fire hazard, shmire phazard!
A little fire never hurt anybody, plus it might spice up your sexy times!
“Oh BABY! You’re on FIRE!”
“Thanks. Just you wait until I-”
“No. I mean you are literally on fire! Stop, drop and roll!”
” . . . I’ll ‘stop, drop, and roll’ your genitals!”
” . . . ew. Please burn to death now.”
As for comics for your comics flyer this is my list of my most favorite comics. I literally laughed out loud when I read each one.
“Da Rapture or More Fun With Blowup Dolls”
“I Want To Make A Movie Of The Stupid Things In My Head or Oh Dear”
“I Enjoy You Larpers or Posing Like A Girl Is Back Breaking”
“If Scorsese Had Written It I May Be More Interested or Avada Katavra, Bitches”
“In Canada We Have Thanksgiving Earlier in The Year or Gobble Gobble Help Me Gobble Gobble”
“No Stone Left UnPunted or Hard Rock Compulsion”
“Bear Attack”
“It Just makes Cents”
“The Pusher”
“Respect For The Elderly”
“Cafe Sketching”
“Chip Off The Old Block”
“The Duke”
“Dire Strays”
I like all your comics but these were some of the best.
Lol, Thanks for the awesome list. I’m so glad I changed the titling of this strip. Those double titles were a pain in the ass for people to write out.
You should use “Attempted Courting”. It’s what got me hooked.
i couldn’t stop laughing at “Buckle Up” either. you should use that. o.o
I’ve always intro’d you via things like “No, I’m going to juggle them as I fly home” and “Lynnbarian” (Sorry I don’t have the strip names, I’m tired as hell from programming all day on a robot who’s still being an ass…).
While one is gaming related, everyone I intro you to is a gamer… so the other one, I think, is probably the best I can suggest.
I used the animator/gamer ones…(and that “nightmares are so cool one), because me and my friends are either gamers, studied animation or both! XD
For this comic?
There may be only two ways to go to properly prepare them.
“Greasy man is greasy…”
Hi! First time poster!
I don’t remember all your strips by name or even general order of appearance, but I would suggest including some scenes from the Vas Deferens saga and/or one of the scifi or the barbarian story strips as perhaps thumbnail images on the flyer.
It would show that the comic is not all 3-panel random comic strip style, but that you change things up and have a variety of art chops.
And maybe you would get some fantasy comic fans to give IAARG a try! They’re so gullible!
I keep all my girl friends in a box. Interesting side note: The box is empty.